Monday, May 31, 2010

Kunderas Hitchhiker Game

Peak Nerbiou, Ortiac, May 30, 2010

Leader Rene Chabert, Pau 8am departure, departure 9:30 hike over Ortiac, arrived at Peak 13h loop circuit: abbey of Saint Orens , barns, water chamber, to Arribaut Plaa, Nerbiou peak, down to the valley Isaby, ford, left bank, arrival 16.30.

barns after the abbey of Saint Orens

the path to the water chamber and which dominates Pierrefitte Nestalas: the chimney do not smoke anymore.

on peak

the apex of Nerbiou

it descends on the ridges in the direction of Soum Maugasau

then we pass under the Courade Maucasau of the creek flows down Isaby

the ford of the creek Isaby

on the left bank of the creek road Isaby the storm hit Xyntia

a geyser

cascade Paspich


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