Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pooping A Lot At The End Of Pregnancy

Pic Bricoutou, Lhers, September 19, 2010

Leader Claude Henry Pau starting 8am, 10am start hiking Labrénère Parking Pass Pau, arriving 12am, circuit: return alongside the creek the year, then the wood, the track and the road along the Sugar Loaf, turn right to the point of departure.

's hut Itchaxe

huts of Pénot

Pénot cabanas, damn you did not notice dolmen

edges of the peak Bricoutou

Bricoutou the peak and the peak of the bottom Anie

Organs Camplong the Billar, Anie Peak of the neck of the peak seen Petrageme Bricoutou

on peak Bricoutou

descent into the valley of the Year

the Billar

a huge vulture perched on the Sugarloaf

Sugar Loaf and Organs Camplong

the needles Ansabère

Billar and the Organ of Camplong


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