Friday, December 31, 2010

Arab Words (inna Lillah Wa Inna Ilayhi Raje'oun

Review 2010

A dozen big stories written this year.
x subjected to peer review (this is a very short time that I note my mail on a file, so the number of x is difficult to be precise)
Five have been published.
Some have found doors closed (AT politely canceled - cessation of activity on the forum organizer - lost mail)
Several others have been denied (either without comment or with nice words).
And many are awaiting a response.

This year has been very rewarding. I tested:
- the narrative point of view internal variable
- the omniscient narrative
- the use of cliffhanger
- the use of italics for the music inside the characters, their "small sentence "(most recently)

I met the characters which I have attached:
Blord, Eleasah, Kamal, Andrew Dolbarc ...

I wrote my first story for a long synopsis.


Besides, it will be necessary that I'm starting.
Although I was scared.
Then I'll get organized.
1 st goal: cut my synopsis and chapters spread all over the twelve months of 2011.
I hear about it in a future post ...


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